Working with
the Kellogg Company
Over many years Angie has worked alongside the Kellogg Nutrition Team to develop and run a consumer and health professional campaigns (print & digital) to highlight nutrition challenges such as reducing sugar, increasing fibre or boosting iron and vitamin D. Working closely with teams across Europe and the Middle East, and translation agencies, Angie helped to deliver consistent messaging into different markets.
Angie also supported the development of health care professional nutrition websites in several Kellogg markets, including a dual language Arabic and English website for the Middle East.
Public Relations & Media
Angie has many years of experience working alongside PR agencies, charities or directly with food manufacturers and other companies to help with their public relations campaigns and communications strategies - to both consumers or health and other professionals.
Whatever support you are looking for, large or small - from advice on product development, nutritional analysis of a recipe, development of a menu plan, a media spokesperson, or simply an honest, down to earth view on nutrition then Angie can help. Angie is also an experienced writer, web manager. editor for digital or print media and has undertaken varied digital campaigns.
Food, health and diet are truly global and reflecting this Angie has worked with clients in the UK, throughout Europe, and as far afield as Australia, the Middle East & the United States. Local regulations are respected and translation of information into local language is no problem as Angie works with a UK based medical translation agency.
Examples of work undertaken include:
Planning of Communication Strategies and Press Plan
TV & radio interviews
Social Media Messaging
Key Influencer & Parliamentary Briefings
New product launches
Comments for press release
Development of online campaigns
Face-face briefings
Product substantiations for advert pre-approvals
Round tables & discussion panels
Scientific articles and summaries
My Approach to PR
Over the past 2 decades, Angie has had the privilege of working with a wide range of PR & media companies supporting an array of nutrition communications.
Evidence Based Nutrition is at the heart of all of Angie's work and so you can be confident that no matter what channel is used or audience targeted all messages will be backed by science.
Angie can help you & your product find the right message, while remaining within the constraints of Health Claims Legislation and advertising restrictions.